Testogen Review: How It Works With Your Body To Increase Testosterone (My Experience With Testogen)

reviews of testogenIf you’ve been watching the news, then you probably already heard of this shocking statistic: testosterone levels and sperm counts are down over 50% in men between the ages of 18-50 over the past few decades. Now more than ever couples are struggling to conceive children, and overall energy levels and productivity in men has dipped dramatically. At the same time, levels of stress and depression in men has sky-rocketed, and specialists believe it has a lot to do with falling testosterone levels in men. You may have noticed in your own life that you might not have the levels of energy you once did, or that you just don’t feel as vibrant as you once were. This is not normal.

Testosterone in a way is the life-force of mankind. It is the natural “drug” that keeps us pushing forward and without it, we are merely empty and ambitionless souls, living from one day to the other, without any real meaning or purpose. It truly is fascinating how one hormone can have such a tremendous impact on an individuals life; unfortunately, it’s mostly been a negative impact for far too many men these days. Testogen is here to fix that. Let’s dive into this Testogen review to find out if this stuff is right for you.



Understanding Testogen: Does Testogen Increase Testosterone Levels?

Testogen is likely not the first testosterone booster you’ve ever heard of, and you might have even had prior experience with T-boosters in the past. For most men, the products that claim to work “naturally” are the least effective; a lot of the times, results are purely placebo-based, if results even show up at all. So is this the case with Testogen? After all, they claim to be an all-natural solution for boosting levels of testosterone in men – what’s the deal with them?

testogen review

Since this is a Testogen review I should start out by saying I don’t know what’s exactly in their product or how they came about their formula (since it isn’t fully disclosed), but I’ve noticed massive (positive) differences in my life ever since I started using it. This is the first time I’ve used a natural product that actually got me results. Granted, I stopped trying out these natural ingredient products many years ago when I had decided that they were hopeless. Thankfully though, I picked up some Testogen after watching some YouTube videos.

Before I had started using it, my levels hovered around 479 ng/dL. This would be okay or average if I was in my mid-50’s but I’m not. I’m in my mid-30’s which makes this number severely disappointing. I tried eating nuts, getting a little bit more sleep, and just incorporating more healthy fats into my diet. I’ve always been going to the gym but my progression in muscle building was very slow, and I later realized that this had a lot to do with my low testosterone levels. After using Testogen for about 4 months now, my levels are at 743 ng/dL. Obviously this number isn’t necessarily tremendous, but for me it is a massive leap to go up by more than 200 points in just a few months. My diet and lifestyle remained primarily the same.



My Testogen Review: Things I Noticed After Using Testogen:


1. Significantly Increased Sex-Drive & Frequent Erections

This is definitely the biggest change that’s happened ever since I started using Testogen. Most of the time, I feel like an absolute dog and I constantly feel the need to get with a girl. I wake up with raging boners and find myself thinking about sex even more than I did in the past. Honestly, it’s a double-edged sword. On one hand, it gives me a lot more energy throughout the day and I can use it as motivation when lifting and going about my day, but on the other hand, it can get kind of annoying and/or frustrating to deal with. I have to sleep with my girl almost daily now just to “tame myself” (as she likes to call it). For the most part, this is the biggest benefit I’ve found from using Testogen, even though it’s not what most people are buying it for in the first place. I used to need Bluechew in the past just to get erections but now I only use it recreationally once in a while, since I can get rock-hard boners through my increased testosterone.


2. More Energy Throughout The Day

I guess this goes hand-in-hand with the whole sex drive thing. This is also an incredible benefit I’ve reaped since I started using it, and some days I wake up before my alarm even has the chance to do so. I haven’t experienced energy like this since I was probably like 13 years old. Again, this is a massive plus from having more testosterone flowing through your veins. More energy for me translates into more effective work being put into my business and more sexual satisfaction. These are two of the biggest factors of enjoyment in my own personal life, so it’s safe to say that having that extra testosterone in my bloodstream has had an extraordinarily profound impact on my well-being. I can’t even understand how I used to function in the past with such low levels of energy.


3. Lifting Heavier & More Gains

Like I said, I’ve been lifting for a few years now so that didn’t have any negative impact on my hormone levels. However, at a certain point a few years ago, I felt like my progress slowed down far too much and I was seeing gains only after months and months, if any at all. My muscles just refused to grow beyond a certain point which was definitely very frustrating. Ever since my testosterone went up though, I’m not only lifting heavier, but I’m also seeing massive gains. Remember, when people are using steroids they’re basically just artificially increasing their testosterone for a short period of time. But if you’re able to increase your T naturally using a supplement, then you get all the benefits of steroids without all of the side effects and negatives that we all know about. It’s different from cheating because this is test that your body is naturally producing.


4. Sleeping Peacefully & Easily

I’ve always been a pretty deep sleeper, and I never really needed sleeping pills like some other guys. Still though, when I had to get something done by a certain deadline or when I was facing some level of stress in my life, it was only natural to find my mind running at night, making it feel impossible to be able to fall asleep. I remember on certain nights I’d be up til 3 in the morning, desperately waiting to fall asleep but I just couldn’t due to stress. Things have changed.

Deep sleep is absolutely necessary for optimal testosterone production, but it’s hard to sleep well when you have low testosterone. It’s pretty much a never-ending cycle of pain when it comes to sleep and those who suffer from low levels of testosterone. Now (because of my increased confidence and indifference to difficulties in life), I sleep well regardless of what’s going on in my personal life or business. Sleep is sleep and I keep that separate from what goes on in the day. Besides, now that I’m expending so much surplus energy that I’ve gained from having sky-high test levels, I’m going to hit the pillows like a heavy rock anyways.


5. Having A Cocky, Not Giving A F*ck Attitude

If you’re like most people, then you have doubts. You have insecurities, and you have an inner dialogue that’s telling you why you suck and what you shouldn’t do. Now, I don’t know if this attitude change was directly impacted by testosterone itself or if it is a result of my lifestyle changes, such as more sex, more lifting, and more financial success. Whatever it is, it came about only after a few months of using Testogen. I really couldn’t be bothered if someone talks behind my back, or if I do something that most would deem as embarrassing. I move on to the next thing and stress is pretty much nonexistent; not because there isn’t a reason to be stressed, rather that I don’t let it get to me like I once did.


6. Increased Focus Throughout The Day

You are no longer disinterested in the world around you. Depression lifts because what you set your mind on can now achieve due to the high levels of energy you have. You take a positive interest and can focus on achieving the desired goals. As goals are achieved, self-esteem is developed, and you can boldly confront issues headlong without feeling intimidated. This is all possible because of the elevated levels of testosterone through the use of Testogen.


The One Main Negative When Using Testogen: Rage

We’ve all heard of roid rage in the past. It’s when someone juiced up is way easier to tick off and gets angry at stuff normal people usually don’t get angry about, at least not that extent. Well, unfortunately that’s still a thing when using Testogen because again, Testogen and steroids do practically the same thing, they just do it in different ways. I’ve noticed that my patience is very short these days and I have the tendency to lash out and scream significantly more than in the past. Road rage is a serious problem for me now and half the time when someone pisses me off, I contemplate about whether or not I should follow them home and have a “discussion” with them. The reality is that having high levels of testosterone turns you into a more animalistic version of yourself; you want sex more, you rage more, and overall you just become a beast. There are obvious benefits and downsides to achieving this animalistic lifestyle. For the most part, there’s way more good than bad – the worst things about having high testosterone is pretty much just rage and acne. There has been some discussion about whether or not testosterone is linked with hair loss but there is no conclusive evidence yet that goes in either direction.


Who Should Be Using Testogen?

Really anybody can technically use Testogen, but it’s evidently not for everyone and we’re going to use this Testogen review to explain why. When you consider that most men these days have 50% less testosterone than their grandfathers did, I’d be willing to go out on a limb and say that at least 3/4 of all men should be taking a supplement of some sort in order to reach “normal” levels. It’s just the reality we live in – whether the factors are environmental, dietary, or related to mental health doesn’t matter. All that matters is that men now have low levels of a hormone which is vital for their success in all areas of life, and it’s something that needs to fixed. If you’re facing any of the following symptoms, you should definitely be using Testogen, or some sort of alternative:

  • Low Sex Drive
  • Weak Erections
  • Tired All The Time
  • Loss Of Muscle Mass
  • Decreased Energy And Strength
  • Increased Fat Gain


Is Testogen Legit Or a Scam?

After going through this Testogen review it should be quite clear to all of our readers that Testogen is most definitely not a scam. The manufacturer (Wolfson Berg Ltd) has been selling the product since 2014 and has been in the supplement industry for many years before that. They are not a scam which is very clear to see by reading many of their glowing reviews online.

While it doesn’t work quite the same as illegal steroids on the black market, it is certainly one of the most potent legal steroid mixtures on the market. It has the perfect combination of vitamins and macronutrients to ensure that your body is producing testosterone at an optimal level. This supplement can even replace the need for testosterone replacement therapy in older men.


Testogen Ingredients:

  •        D-Aspartic Acid: It increases the natural production of testosterone.
  •        Nettle Leaf Extract: It frees up testosterone from protein so that testosterone is available for developing muscles.
  •       Magnesium: It boosts testosterone production by 26%
  •       Vitamin K1: It is essential for healthy and strong bones
  •       Vitamin D3: It increases testosterone levels in the blood.
  •       Korean Red Ginseng Extract: It works as a libido enhancer, which will significantly improve sex life.
  •       Fenugreek Extract: It is a natural way to boost testosterone levels.
  •       Boron: It aids muscle building and also helps in strengthening bones
  •       Zinc: It will act as a testosterone booster
  •       Vitamin B6: It relieves the body from tiredness, irritability, and other similar symptoms.
  •       Bioperine: It will improve the effectiveness of the supplement by facilitating the absorption of other ingredients.


Reviewing The Long-Term Effects Of Testogen

Because Testogen is not a real steroid, the long-term effects of using it are generally going to always be overwhelmingly positive. You should theoretically reap all of the benefits of a testosterone boosters with none of the negatives that come with a traditional and ‘real’ steroid. Overall, I’ve found that Testogen not only increased my Testosterone levels shortly after taking it, but I have noticed that my levels have tapered off at a higher level than they were before even though I am cutting back on my supplementation. This has left me to believe that Testogen may have caused some re-balancing in my body that has resulted in me producing optimal levels of testosterone on my own. With that being said, I will be sure to continue using Testogen for the simple fact that I want to maximize both my free testosterone and DHT for optimal gains in the gym.


Additional Benefits of Using Testogen Longterm

This product is not just for men who are experiencing those problems often associated with declining levels of testosterone. TestoGen can also help you if you just want to simply be healthier or just improve your overall testosterone levels, which means that it can definitely help benefit you in these departments:

  • Improving Your Overall Mood, Energy, And Motivation
  • Enhance Your Muscle Developments for A Better Outcome in The Gym
  • Help You Lose Any Excess Fat in Problematic Areas Like Your Belly and Chest
  • Increase Both Your Confidence and Libido

If you think that this is what you have been looking for and you may benefit from this supplement, then TestoGen might be the extra step you need in your daily routine. It is a fantastic product that works, and what’s even better is that it has all-natural ingredients.


How Does Testogen Work?

The 11 ingredients mentioned above work together simultaneously as they enhance each other’s effect to push testosterone production in your body. Each amount of ingredient and the ingredients itself are carefully selected through many years of experimentation. They play a significant part in enhancing each other to boost your testosterone levels.

As mentioned earlier, during the age of 18-19 years old, testosterone levels in men are at their highest, and after that, it will slowly decline as you grow older. It is known that factors like stress and pressures will help accelerate that process, and without you knowing it, your testosterone levels may be lower than it should be.

The boost of testosterone production will help relieve you of depression, and overall low mood, low sex drive, lack of interest and focus, and admittedly also make you a healthier and happier person.


Side Effects of Testogen

As mentioned before, Testogen consists of 11 very healthy and natural ingredients, so it has little to minimal side effects and is really safe for consumption. It has widely been reported by thousands of men that it can be used without worry of potential painful or worrying side effects. The ingredients in the product are healthy minerals and vitamins that are actually important for your body. As long as you follow the appropriate dosage, you should be fine.

However, there’s no product that is completely free of side effects on 100% of its users therefore some people may experience:

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Muscle Cramps


Dosage & Tips to Start

Before you begin using Testogen, please go and speak to your doctor if you are on any other medication. This is because certain drugs could interact with the testosterone booster causing unwanted side effects that could actually be harmful to you.

Testogen comes in bottles of 120 capsules each.

The recommended dosage is 4 capsules once every day with a glass of pure water.

You are recommended to take this 20 minutes before breakfast daily.


Potential Downside of Using Testogen

Nothing is perfect. As such, we think it is important to mention the few relevant downsides to purchasing and/or using Testogen. Although it may sound like it is too good to be true, it’s not. This stuff really does work, however there are a few things to take into consideration. These are some of the cons of Testogen:

  • Capsules should only be purchased from the official website for a fair deal. If you are buying elsewhere, you might not get the fair deals that are offered only on the official website.
  • Take 4 capsules at a time daily to see significant results. This may be daunting to those who are not used to taking medication.
  • Is expensive if you buy only one bottle at a time and so you are forced to buy three bottles at a time in order to benefit from the free 2 bottle bonus, they give at every purchase


Bottom Line: Testosterone is Vital & Testogen Solves The Problem

We hope that this testogen review answered any questions you may have had about this supplement. If you’re suffering from low levels of testosterone, you probably don’t think that your life is all that bad. Maybe T would help, but you probably don’t see it as a big problem and you tell yourself that you’ll survive, with or without normal hormonal levels. The reality can only be seen once you actually elevate your levels of testosterone to a normal amount; only then will you realize what a big impact it will make in your life. The difference is seriously night and day, and the truth is that if you’re going to go the rest of your life moping around with low levels of your fuel, then you are only cheating yourself. After seeing these changes in my own life, I have been convinced that most problems men face today are directly linked to just not having enough testosterone flowing through their bodies.

Alexander Cobalt
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